饾棓 饾棖饾椉饾椇饾椊饾椆饾棽饾榿饾棽 饾棜饾槀饾椂饾棻饾棽 饾榿饾椉 饾悁饾惌饾惁饾惃饾惉饾惄饾悺饾悶饾惈饾悽饾悳 饾悥饾悮饾惌饾悶饾惈 饾悊饾悶饾惂饾悶饾惈饾悮饾惌饾惃饾惈 (饾棧饾棗饾棛 饾棙-饾棔饾椉饾椉饾椄)

An atmospheric water generator is a device which harvests water from the air through condensation. The device uses a refrigeration system to cool the air, causing water vapor to condense into liquid form. The resulting water is then purified and stored for later use. Atmospheric water generators have a wide range of uses, from providing clean drinking water in remote locations to supplementing the water supply in areas with limited access to fresh water. The military, disaster relief organizations commonly use them, and in remote locations where there is a shortage of potable water.

饾棞饾椈 饾棗饾棽饾榿饾棶饾椂饾椆饾榾 饾棗饾椉饾槃饾椈饾椆饾椉饾棶饾棻 饾棧饾棗饾棛 饾棖饾椉饾椊饾槅:https://www.theinsightpartners.com/sample/TIPRE00008792

The List of Companies

1. Air2Water LLC
2. Ambient Water Corporation
3. Dew Point Manufacturing
4. Fujian Yuxin Electronic Co., Ltd
5. Konia Saisons
6. Planets Water
7. Technocom Pvt. Ltd
8. Water Technologies International, Inc
9. WaterMaker India Pvt. Ltd
10. WaterMicronWorld, Watair Inc
